Welcome to the IBEW Local 131 Website!

IBEW Local 131 History

The International Brotherhood of Electrical workers Union was founded on November 28,1891 in St. Louis, Missouri. There were ten delegates (pictured) representing two hundred eighty six members in attendance. Henry Miller was elected as the first International President and J.T. Kelly as the first International Secretary-Treasurer. Kalamazoo received it's charter on September 14th, 1916 and was signed by the seventh International President F.J McNulty. Kalamazoo is the fourth local to use the number 131. The first local was Columbia, South Carolina from 1900-1901, the second was Traverse City, Michigan from 1901-1908, the third was Twin Falls, Idaho (time span unknown). For more history about the I.B.E.W., click here to visit the International site. 

What's Going on at 131?

**NEBF Announcement**

 IBEW Local 131 is open for business from 8:00am - 4:30pm.  We prefer Book 2 signs done by email or fax, but we're open for in person signs. 

Our office is closed from 11:30am-12:30pm for lunch.  

 Dues payments can now be accessed online.  Sign into your account today! (IBEW 131 Members Only - Username is your last name and the password is your Dues Receipt Card Number)

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