Welcome to the IBEW Local 131 Website!

Michigan/Nearby Locals

Interactive Michigan IBEW Local Map

IBEW Local 8 Toledo, OH
IBEW Local 58 Detroit, MI
IBEW Local 153 South Bend, IN
IBEW Local 252 Ann Arbor, MI
IBEW Local 275 Muskegon, MI
IBEW Local 445 Battle Creek, MI
IBEW Local 498 Traverse City, MI
IBEW Local 531 LaPorte, IN
IBEW Local 557 Saginaw, MI
IBEW Local 665 Lansing, MI
IBEW Local 692 Bay City, MI
IBEW Local 906 Upper Peninsula
IBEW Local 948 Flint, MI

What's Going on at 131?

**NEBF Announcement**

 IBEW Local 131 is open for business from 8:00am - 4:30pm.  We prefer Book 2 signs done by email or fax, but we're open for in person signs. 

Our office is closed from 11:30am-12:30pm for lunch.  

 Dues payments can now be accessed online.  Sign into your account today! (IBEW 131 Members Only - Username is your last name and the password is your Dues Receipt Card Number)

Interested in the IBEW 131?

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